Get Familiar With Your Trimlight App

Trimlight DFW

Get Started With Your New Trimlight Edge App

Below are the list of videos to help you get connected with the new Trimlight Edge app!

How Do I Connect My Network to the Trimlight Edge Application?

Follow these steps to set up and connect the Trimlight system to your Wi-Fi:

  • Open the Trimlight app
  • Create an account
  • Tap the “+” icon to add a new device
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect the controller to your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network
  • Ensure your phone is also on the same network

Check that your Wi-Fi is set to 2.4GHz (not 5GHz), and ensure that your phone is connected to the same network. Restart your router, unplug the controller for 30 seconds, and try reconnecting. If the issue persists, reset the controller.

Unplug the controller for 30 seconds and plug it back in for a soft reset. For a full factory reset, press and hold the “+/-” buttons on the controller while turning it on, then reconnect it using the app.

Go to the app settings and select your desired connection mode: “Manual Mode” for direct control, “Wi-Fi Mode” for standard use, or “Online Mode” for remote access. Ensure your controller and phone are properly connected to Wi-Fi.

The steps are easy to follow:

  1. Download the app
  2. Connect the trimlight edge to your device
  3. Stand next to the device while performing the initial connection
  4. Open the app and choose signup
  5. Tap the signup button to create a new account
  6. Enter an email ID to get an authorization code
  7. Enter the code
  8. Create a password and then submit

Ensure you are using a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network and that your phone is connected to the same network. Restart your router and try again. If registration fails, check for app updates and ensure you’re entering the correct details. If the issue persists, reset the controller by unplugging it for 30 seconds or performing a factory reset by holding the “+/-” buttons while turning it on.

Yes, if your wi-fi network has two signals, then it is essential to connect with only 24 GHz. Because the Trimlight app doesn’t connect with a 5 GHz signal.

We recommend you choose the auto mode option for quick and perfect functioning; it will prompt you to hold down the STA AP button on your controller until you get a flashing green light.

Swipe down to search for any controllers that are connected. If you decide to access the system away from home, you will see the Trimlight window popup but you will then see an indicator showing you are online instead of connected to your local network.

You can add the controller by constantly clicking on the Plus (+) sign, selecting add device, and following the next steps.

How do I set up and program my Trimlight Edge app?

It’s very easy. Follow the steps below:

  • Open the Trimlight app
  • Tap on the controller window
  • Enter the app
  • Then tap the gear icon in the top right corner to access the settings.
Timer mode is more important than all other modes because it ensures all events and calendars are running properly. Without this mode, even preset schedules won’t activate.
It’s simple. You need to tap on the first icon, the “custom palette” screen, to create and customize different colors, patterns, and animations.

Yes, the three modes in the Trimlight app system are:

Off Mode: Completely turns off the system, even if timers are set.
Manual Mode: Allows programming of lights, setting timers, and creating custom patterns.
Timer Mode: Activates all pre-set timers and calendar events.

Yes, there are five different parameters on the main screen.

  • Name – where you can rename the controller
  • RGB – which should always be set on the RGB setting
  • IC – should always be on UCS1903 to match the version of the lights
  • Ports – Refer to different light runs that may or may not be set on your controller during installation
  • Version – It shows which firmware your app is currently using
The preset pattern screen is the 2nd icon on the screen, which allows you to select from 180 preprogrammed animated patterns. Isn’t it amazing? You are free to choose any color or animation you want based on your occasion or event.
In the settings menu, scroll down to find the “Remove Device” option, which disconnects the controller from your account.
The ‘Ports’ setting in the Trimlight app refers to different light runs that may be connected to your controller during installation. Some installations require multiple ports if other sections of the lighting system operate independently. You may need to select the correct port for programming specific lights if your system uses various ports. However, no adjustments are necessary if only one port was used during installation.
To check for firmware updates, open the settings menu in the Trimlight app and locate the Version section, which displays the current firmware running on your system. Tap on this section periodically to see if updates are available. Keeping your firmware updated ensures your system runs smoothly, includes the latest features, and maintains compatibility with new Trimlight app improvements.
After making adjustments in the settings menu, tap the back arrow in the top left corner to return to the main programming screen. To ensure the changes take effect, confirm that your system is set to the correct mode (e.g., Timer Mode for scheduled events). If any settings don’t seem to apply, try restarting the app or controller to refresh the system.

How do I create custom colors and patterns with Trimlight Edge?

The custom palette screen is one of the most exciting features of your new trim light system. It allows you to customize numerous patterns, animations, and color zones to meet any unique need or style of lighting.
You can change these colors to any custom color by simply long-pressing on any circle. A menu will pop up, and you can drag your finger through the spectrum to tune in any of 16 million custom colors and hues as you drag your finger across the spectrum.

You can customize the color sequence by following these steps:

  • Drag colors from the palette into the sequence section.
  • Tap the down arrow below the sequence section
  • It will expand and then program up to 30 colors
  • Set the quantity of each color from 1 to 90 per circle.
There is a drop-down menu that has pre-populated patterns for every major holiday. Basically, this is for convenience and provides valid starting points for customizing your own holiday patterns. For example, you can open a preset holiday and change the existing color scheme and sequence, then overwrite that preset or save that pattern under a new name.
Dragging the red X into your pattern permanently turns off a section of lights. For example, you can create a “Do Not Disturb” pattern to turn off lights over a bedroom window while keeping the rest of the house lit.
It allows users to apply different motion effects to their light patterns. The “Static” option keeps colors solid, while other animations create movement in the pattern.
Specific animations, like “Comet,” require multiple lights of the same color to create the effect. The animation may not appear correctly if each color has only one light.
Use the speed slider below the animation menu. At the slowest setting, if the pattern is still too fast, increase the number of lights per color in the sequence to visually slow down the movement.
“Save As” allows you to create and name a new pattern for your library, while “Cover” saves the new pattern over an existing preset.
It is essential to learn about the black circle in the color palette. It represents “black” or “blank,” which can be used to create spaces without a light on the sequence section. For example, in the summer, you could turn your lights on to warm white and put a space of one or more blanks between lights to make the lights look more like accent lighting, depending on the size of your home.

How do I use pre-set programming with Trimlight Edge?

It’s very easy and quick.

  • Open the Trimlight app
  • Tap the controller window
  • Enter the main hub to control lighting settings
The 2nd icon is one of the most important programs on the screen. This will take you to the preset program if you are looking for a quick setup or unique animations for your lights.
The Trimlight app features 180 preset animated patterns within the color dial. By using these patterns, you can easily switch between different lighting effects without manually adjusting individual settings. Each pattern has a unique animation style, and users can scroll through them using a circular ring interface.
You can move through the patterns by simply dragging the finger around the ring or by tapping the arrows located to the left and right of the ring. When you scroll through different programs, you will see the name of each pattern labeled at the top of the screen that describes that particular pattern color.
To access a specific category of patterns, users need to tap on the category directory below the color ring. Each category is represented by a different color and corresponds to a unique set of preset animations. Once a user selects a category, they can browse through the available patterns within that category using the scrolling ring or navigation arrows.
The speed bar controls how fast or slow the light pattern is. You can increase the speed to change the patterns rapidly, create dynamic and eye-catching effects, or slow it down for a more relaxed transition.
The sequencing bar allows users to modify the color segments’ length and repetition in any lighting pattern. By adjusting this setting, users can either extend the color sections for a more uniform look or reduce them to create a more dynamic, alternating effect.
The Trimlight app allows users to program a saved pattern as a calendar event. When saving a pattern to the library, users have the option to schedule it to automatically activate on specific dates and times.
The timer function in the Trimlight app lets users set specific times for their lights to turn on and off. Once a pattern is selected and adjusted to the desired settings, users can schedule it to activate at a certain time and automatically turn off after a set duration.
It is useful to specify the preferred pattern of the timer, as it allows users to automate their lighting program without manual adjustment. This feature is particularly beneficial for holidays, business displays, or homeowners who want frequent outdoor lighting events at a particular time.

How do I set up timers and schedules with Trimlight Edge?

Follow these steps to access the timer and calendar.

  • Open the Trimlight Edge app
  • Tap the controller window to enter the app
  • Locate the four icons at the bottom
  • Select the clock icon
  • Here you will see the timer and calendar screen

By choosing the calendar and timer feature, you can set your lights to turn on and shut down completely for every major holiday sporting event or special occasion months in advance.

The program library is another crucial feature of the app, which contains the list of all the preset holidays as well as different beautiful custom patterns you may have created and saved for future events.

You have an option to save almost 60 patterns in this library. It is also important to note that any of these patterns can be edited or deleted by simply sliding the name of any pattern to the left. It further gives you the option to rename or delete that program.

This special feature button shows multiple patterns and intervals, which further allows you to set up various amazing patterns to run one after another for set periods of time that you can choose. You can tap on the pattern side of the button to add the pattern of your choice.

Follow these four steps to set the lighting schedule.

  • Choose the repetition settings, which determine how often the schedule will activate.
  • Select a preset or custom pattern from the library that you want to display.
  • Set the start time and off time while ensuring you correctly set AM or PM.
  • Toggle the switch to enable the timer, then press “Save” to confirm the settings.

When setting up two different daily schedules, it is crucial to avoid overlapping time ranges. For example, if Daily Schedule 1 runs from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, then Daily Schedule 2 should only begin after 10:00 PM. Overlapping schedules can cause system conflicts, preventing timers from functioning correctly.

To create a calendar event, go to the scheduling menu and tap on “Create a Calendar Event.” You will then:

  • Select your desired month first
  • Choose the specific days when the lighting event should activate.
  • Pick a preset or custom pattern
  • Set the start and stop times for the event.
  • Save the event to ensure it is scheduled correctly.

If you need to modify or remove a calendar event, go to the scheduling menu and tap on “Create a Calendar Event.” Months with active events will be highlighted. Tap on the highlighted month, then select any of the marked days to bring up the event details. From this screen, you will have the option to either edit the event settings or delete the event entirely.

If the Trimlight system is left in manual mode, it will not follow any of the programmed schedules. Instead, the lights will remain on the last selected pattern indefinitely until manually changed. To ensure that scheduled timers and calendar events activate as intended, you must switch the system to timer mode before exiting the app.

How do I connect music to Trimlight Edge?

Follow these steps to access the music note:

  • Open the Trimlight Edge app
  • Tap the controller window to enter the app
  • Locate the four icons at the bottom
  • Select the music note icon

    Make sure the device is connected properly to the local network.

There are three ways to connect music.

  • Option 1, player option. This is limited to finding audio files that are downloaded directly to the device. Now due to the copyright law and other limitations, streaming apps like Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, and other music-playing applications will not be recognized as downloaded to the device’s memory.
  • Option two, mic function. This feature allows music that is received through the mobile device’s microphone.
  • Option three, aux function. This allows a standard 3.5-millimeter audio auxiliary cord to be connected from the speaker to the controller directly.
Once the music is connected and playing, you will see that all the lights will dance based on the rhythm of the music and your selected pattern. This will surely give you a sense of comfort and peace of mind, knowing everything is in control and working perfectly.
At the top of the screen, you can scroll from left to right to find out some amazing color patterns that are preset in the controller.
The sequencing length slider controls the number of pixels that participate in a repeating pattern. By adjusting this slider, you can either shorten or lengthen the effect, making the sequence appear more compact or more spread out. This feature is useful for creating dynamic lighting effects that fit different design preferences, whether you want a tight, rhythmic display or a more gradual, flowing sequence.
The dominant color slider allows you to choose a primary color that will take precedence in the selected lighting pattern. When adjusted, this feature ensures that the specified color appears as the leading hue in the sequence, enhancing customization options. However, if this setting appears dimmed or inactive, it means that the selected pattern does not support color customization, and the pre-set colors for that pattern must be used instead.
Ensure that your Trimlight system is set to “Timer Mode” in the main settings. If it is on “Manual” or “Off,” your scheduled events won’t activate.
Overlapping times may cause the system to malfunction. Make sure that your daily timers and calendar events do not have conflicting time ranges.
Yes, you can set up two daily schedules with specific on/off times and selected light patterns to automate your lighting setup
No, the music feature does not work with timer or calendar settings due to system limitations.

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Trimlight Select Mobile App

Get Started With Your New Trimlight Select App

Below are the list of videos to help you get connected with the new Trimlight Select Plus app!

Select PLUS Video Tutorial 1: Connecting to the Controller

Here are the following steps to download the new Trimlight Select PLUS app:

  • Type trim light into the search bar
  • Download the app
  • Though the app can be downloaded to multiple devices but the system can only be connected and controlled from one device at a time.

In that case, follow:

  • Make sure the device is connected to the Trimlight Wi-Fi
  • Refresh the settings page
  • Tap on “Trimlight” if it appears but does not fully load.
Yes, if you have additional controllers for areas like patios, downlights, or separate buildings, they will appear in the app if connected to your home network.
This is normal because the Trimlight system’s Wi-Fi is only for controlling the lights and does not provide internet access.
Open the Trimlight app and drag your finger down on the settings page to refresh and display available controllers.
The total pixel count should match the longest run of your system. If unsure, consult your installer or set it to 200, which works for most systems.
Double-check that your device is connected to the Trimlight Wi-Fi, confirm the correct RGB and IC settings, and verify that the toggle switch is set to “On.”
The RGB order should be set to RGB, and the IC setting should be USC1903 for proper functionality.

Select PLUS Video 2 - Color Changing Capabilities

Follow these steps to program your Trimlight system:

  • First, you need to check the toggle switch and see if it’s on.
  • Once it’s one, press the enter button at the bottom of the page to enter into the trim light preset program screen
  • Remember, you can return to the main settings screen at any time by pressing the arrow button at the top left of the preset program screen.
  • Here, you will see three icons at the bottom
  • The first icon is the preset program screen that you are currently on
  • The second icon is the custom palette screen, which will allow you to customize your trim light system to any color and pattern you want.
  • The third icon takes you to the calendar and timer screen, where you will program your lights to turn on the days and times you specify.
You can scroll through different programs using the arrows on either side of the ring or by dragging your finger around the ring. The name of each program will be displayed at the top of the screen.
The Custom Palette Screen will help you create some mesmerizing lighting setups by customizing colors, patterns, and animations.

Yes! Use the Custom Palette screen to create unique color schemes.

  • Long press any color outside the gray box
  • Select from 16 million colors.
  • Drag and drop colors into the Line Sequence
  • Design your desired pattern
  • Choose animations and adjust brightness and speed using sliders.
This menu contains preloaded color schemes for significant holidays, allowing quick selection. You can also modify them to create custom holiday patterns.
The quantity setting lets you specify how many times each color appears in the sequence. You can set up to 30 units per color.
The Trimlight app offers several animations, including static (no movement), as well as dynamic patterns that can be applied to any color scheme.
Of course. The app includes sliders to adjust both brightness and animation speed for further customization.

Select PLUS Video 3 - Timer and Event Scheduling

The timer and calendar function are the most useful features of the trim light system. By using them, you can easily set your favorite light pattern and turn it on and off at a specific time of day.
Not only this, the calendar feature allows you to program a holiday pattern to automatically activate and disable the dates specified throughout the year.

This means that you can pre-plan your lights in advance for special holidays sporting events, or even a year in advance, to ensure that your display is always ready without any manual adjustment.

You can choose from:

  • Today only
  • Every day
  • Weekdays only
  • Weekends only.

    This allows flexibility in how often your lights turn on.

Yes, you can set separate schedules for weekdays and weekends by selecting the appropriate repetition setting in the scheduling menu.
The start time determines when your light is turned on while the off time means the lights are turned off. Both settings must be configured for proper functioning according to the schedule.
Yes, you can use “Daily Schedule 2” to set an additional pattern. For example, you can have holiday lights turn on early and switch to security lighting later at night.
Go to the scheduling screen, select “Create a Calendar Event,” choose a month and specific days, then set the pattern and start/off times.
Yes, it is possible. The calendar feature allows you to pre-program the events in advance, which ensures that the lights are automatically turned on for holidays or special occasions.
If your timer is not turned on using the toggle button, the scheduled pattern will not activate. Always double-check that the timer is enabled.

Connecting your Trimlight system to your personal Wifi Network

Follow these steps.

  • Ensure your device is connected to your home Wi-Fi.
  • Open the Trimlight app and tap “Pair New Device.”
  • Enter your Wi-Fi password and continue.
  • Long-press the AP/STA button until the green light flashes.
  • Wait 2 minutes for the connection to complete.

If auto mode is not working, do these steps:

  • Press the STA/AP button to switch to AP mode.
  • Connect to the Trimlight hotspot
  • Return to the Trimlight app and continue with the setup.
Trimlight cannot guarantee compatibility with all home Wi-Fi networks due to factors like router type, modem, firewall settings, and physical obstacles between the controller and the network.

Trimlight controllers only connect to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network. They do not support 5 GHz signals.

If your home Wi-Fi signal is weak where the controller is located, you may need a Wi-Fi signal extender, available at most electronics retailers.
A solid green light on the controller and a success indicator in the Trimlight app confirm a successful connection.
If neither method works, your home network may not be compatible. However, you can still control Trimlight using its dedicated Wi-Fi signal.
Yes, you can always use the Trimlight system by connecting directly to its dedicated Wi-Fi signal.

Troubleshooting on Trimlight Network

Follow these steps:

  • Ensure your device is connected to the Trimlight Wi-Fi signal.
  • Check that the blue light is on your controller.
  • Disable auto-join to your home network and turn off any VPN.
  • Try hard closing and reopening the app.

Here is the process:

  • Hold the gray “-” button for 8-10 seconds until a red flash appears.
  • Unplug the controller for one minute, then plug it back in.
  • Note: This will erase all custom patterns and timers.
  • RGB Order: RGB
  • IC Order: UCS 1903
  • Total Pixels: Set to the number of lights on the longest roofline of your home.
Unplug the Trimlight controller for one minute and then plug it back in. This will often resolve minor connectivity issues without erasing your settings.
Check your signal strength, as obstacles and interference can impact connectivity. If the signal is strong but the lights are still unresponsive, perform a soft reset by unplugging the controller for one minute.
A hard reset will erase all custom patterns and timers you have created, restoring the controller to its factory settings.
The total pixel count may be incorrect. Enter the number of lights on the longest roofline of your home to ensure proper functionality.
If you’ve completed all troubleshooting steps, contact your local Trimlight dealer for further assistance. They can determine if the equipment needs to be replaced.

Connection / Timer File

Click here for a troubleshooting guide on connection

or timer related concerns.

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Repair Request Form

We are sorry that you are having an issue. As with all electronics that deal with high amp output and Wifi connection variables, there is always a small percentage of maintenance or need for repairs.

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